Help Us Grow

Support a hunger-free Cayman Islands!

Your help is critical in ensuring that Feed Our Future connects community children with the meals they need to grow and learn.

Together, we can provide children and families with the resources they need to prevent them from going without. For only $6.00, you can help us provide school meals to a child for one day. For $180, you can guarantee school meals for one child for one month. For $1,000, you can help FOF provide a child with school meals for a full school year.

Thank you for making a gift to Feed Our Future today.

There are many easy ways to donate:

Give Monthly
For the price of dinner out, you can help us supply a hungry child with daily school meals for an entire month.

Make a donation in someone’s name
Donations made to honor an individual or as a memorial gift should be designated accordingly.

5 + 15 =

Direct Deposit
Make a deposit directly to our account at Cayman National Bank
CI$ – 011-13318 US$ – 022-26407

Donate by mail
please send a cheque made payable to Feed Our Future to the following address. Feed our Future P.O. Box 11311 Grand Cayman KY1-1008

Get Involved

To get involved with Feed Our Future you can: support our cause on a corporate level, participate in volunteer work or host a fundraiser in the Cayman Islands.
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